Table of Contents
The Indirect Data Reduction interface provides the initial reduction that is used to convert raw instrument data to S(Q, w) for analysis in the Indirect Data Analysis and Indirect Bayes interfaces.
The tabs shown on this interface will vary depending on the current default facility such that only tabs that will work with data from the facility are shown, this page describes all the tabs which can possibly be shown.
If you need clarification as to the instrument setup you should use please speak to the instrument scientist who dealt with your experiment.
If the default facility has been set to ISIS, then the ISIS Energy Transfer tab will be available. However, this tab will be replaced by the ILL Energy Transfer tab if the default facility has been set to ILL. A further explanation of each tab can be found below.
This tab provides you with the functionality to convert the raw data from the experiment run into units of ΔE. See the algorithm ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer.
The ISIS Energy Transfer tab operates on raw TOF data files. Before starting this workflow, go to Manage Directories and make sure that Search Data Archive is set to all.
Go to the ISIS Calibration Example Workflow.
The following options are available for grouping output data:
Follows the same grouping patterns used in the GroupDetectors algorithm. An example of the syntax is 1,2+3,4-6,7:10
This would produce spectra for: spectra 1, the sum of spectra 2 and 3, the sum of spectra 4-6 (4+5+6) and individual spectra from 7 to 10 (7,8,9,10)
Rebinning can be done using either a single step or multiple steps as described in the sections below.
When a reduction of a single run number takes place, the masked detectors used for the reduction are found using the IdentifyNoisyDetectors algorithm.
When using the Sum Files option the noisy detectors for each of the run numbers could be different. In this case, the masked detectors for the summed run is found by first finding the noisy detectors for each of the individual runs within the summed run using IdentifyNoisyDetectors. For instance, let us say that we find that the following run numbers have these noisy detectors:
Run number 22841 has noisy detectors 53, 54, 55
Run number 22842 has noisy detectors 53, 54, 56
Run number 22843 has noisy detectors 53, 55, 56
To find the detectors which should be masked for a summed run of 22841-22843 we first combine these noisy detectors so that we have 53, 54, 55 and 56. A summed file is then calculated from these run numbers and the IdentifyNoisyDetectors algorithm finds the noisy detectors for this summed file.
Summed file 22841-22843 has noisy detectors 13, 53, 54, 55
The masked detectors used for the summed run would also include any additional detectors found to be noisy for the summed run. The masked detectors used for the summed reduction of 22841-22843 would therefore be 13, 53, 54, 55 and 56.
This tab handles the reduction of data from the IN16B instrument and will appear when the default facility is set to be the ILL. See the algorithm IndirectILLEnergyTransfer.
There are two reduction types of IN16B data: Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) or Fixed Window Scans (FWS). The latter can be either Elastic (EFWS) or Inelastic (IFWS). If one or another reduction type is checked, the corresponding algorithm will be invoked (see IndirectILLReductionQENS and IndirectILLReductionFWS). There are several properties in common between the two, and several others that are specific to one or the other. The specific ones will show up or disappear corresponding to the choice of the reduction type.
format. Note that multiple files can be specified following MultipleFileProperty
file in the default save
.This tab gives you the ability to create Calibration and Resolution files, and is only available when the default facility is set to ISIS.
The calibration file is normalised to an average of 1.
The ISIS Calibration tab operates on raw TOF data files. Before starting this workflow, go to Manage Directories and make sure that Search Data Archive is set to all.
This tab allows you to perform an integration on a raw file over a specified time of flight range, and is equivalent to the Slice functionality found in MODES. It is only available when the default facility is set to ISIS.
The ISIS Diagnostics tab operates on raw TOF data files. Before starting this workflow, go to Manage Directories and make sure that Search Data Archive is set to all.
.Go to the Transmission Example Workflow.
Calculates the sample transmission using the raw data files of the sample and its background or container. The incident and transmission monitors are converted to wavelength and the transmission monitor is normalised to the incident monitor over the common wavelength range. The sample is then divided by the background/container to give the sample transmission as a function of wavelength.
The Transmission tab operates on raw TOF data files. Before starting this workflow, go to Manage Directories and make sure that Search Data Archive is set to all.
Go to the Symmetrise Example Workflow.
This tab allows you to take an asymmetric reduced file (_red.nxs) and symmetrise it about the Y axis.
The curve is symmetrised such that the range of positive values between EMin and EMax are reflected about the Y axis and replaces the negative values in the range −EMax to −EMin, the curve between −EMin and EMin is not modified.
The preview section shows what a given spectra in the input will look like after it has been symmetrised and gives an idea of how well the value of EMin fits the curve on both sides of the peak.
The Symmetrise tab operates on _red
files. The file used in this workflow can
be produced using the 26176 run number on the ISIS Energy Transfer tab. The instrument used to
produce this file is IRIS, the analyser is graphite and the reflection is 002. See the
ISIS Energy Transfer Example Workflow.
. This will
automatically plot the data on the first mini-plot.iris26176_graphite002_sym_red
.Go to the S(Q, w) Example Workflow.
Provides an interface for running the SofQW algorithm.
The S(Q, w) tab operates on _red
files. The file used in this workflow can be produced
using the 26176 run number on the ISIS Energy Transfer tab. The instrument used to
produce this file is IRIS, the analyser is graphite and the reflection is 002. See the
ISIS Energy Transfer Example Workflow.
. This will
automatically plot the data as a contour plot within the interface.iris26176_graphite002_sqw
.This interface uses the SofQWMoments algorithm to calculate the nth moment of an S(Q,ω) workspace created by the SofQW tab.
The Moments tab operates on _sqw
files. The file used in this workflow is produced during
the S(Q, w) Example Workflow.
. This will
automatically plot the data in the first mini-plot.iris26176_graphite002_moments
.Categories: Interfaces | Indirect